Can you make your car more eco-friendly? If you’re not ready to switch to a hybrid or EV, there are some things you can do to save fuel.
Just because you drive a truck or a big SUV doesn’t mean you can’t do your part to make your vehicle as environmentally friendly as possible. In fact, if your car is more efficient and runs better, it will serve you better, which is important if you’re driving a vehicle that you depend on for work.
Let’s look at some great ways to make your car more eco-friendly so you can get the most out of it.
Tires are super important
When was the last time you checked your tires? You might not think about your tires very often, but you should. These are the only items that actually touch the road. The rest of your car relies on the tires to be right for the vehicle to perform correctly. Proper tire inflation makes your vehicle safer and can improve your gas mileage by as much as three percent.
Stop speeding
Some highways have higher speed limits than others, but you should know that making your car more eco-friendly means obeying the speed limits as much as possible. Your gas mileage declines rapidly when you drive above 60 mph. For every five mph over 60 mph you travel, you’re likely paying up to ten cents more per gallon for gas. That’s because the gas is used much faster when you speed than when you don’t.
Alter your commute
Can you work a different shift to avoid the rush hour traffic? Are there carpools and ride-share programs available to you? Can you work from home a few days a week? If any of these are an option for you, you’ll cut down on the amount of gas that you use every time you drive. The ability to work from home means you won’t have to worry about a commute on those days, making it easier to save fuel and make your vehicle much more efficient.
Rent right
A great way to make your car more eco-friendly is to rent a vehicle that has the best gas mileage when you’re on vacation. This will save you some money during the trip and be better for the environment compared to gas-guzzling vehicles. It’s also a good idea to either pay for the gas in the tank ahead of time or fill up the tank at the agreed-upon level before returning the car to the rental car company.
Use the right oil
The right motor oil can improve your fuel mileage by 1-2 percent. This might not sound like a lot, but over the course of your ownership, it can be a significant savings for you. Select motor oil with “Energy Conserving” on the performance symbol, and you’ll save more energy and fuel while diving.
Plan your errands
If you often find yourself traveling back and forth from home to complete errands, it’s time to change your habits. One way to make your car more eco-friendly is to plan out your errands and make one trip with several stops along the way instead of several short trips throughout the week. This errand planning can be a huge benefit to you and your vehicle.
Check those air filters
Your car needs air to operate properly and efficiently. If your air filter is clogged, your car isn’t getting the air it needs to perform at its best. A clogged air filter can reduce your car’s fuel mileage by as much as 10 percent, making this one of the most important maintenance items that you can easily perform yourself.
Drive conservatively
Aggressive driving can cost you in fuel mileage. At highway speeds, driving aggressively could reduce your gas mileage by 33 percent and up to 5 percent in town. Accelerate slowly, come to a stop slowly, and maintain control while diving. By driving more conservatively, you can drive your car in a much more eco-friendly manner.
Ditch the extra drag and weight
If you can avoid loading your roof rack, you should. When you take a trip, the roof rack can be a great place for some of your stuff, but putting items on top of the vehicle, even if it’s in a hard carrier, can reduce your fuel mileage by as much as five percent. Use the trunk as much as possible instead of the roof.
These are just a few practical tips to make your current car more eco-friendly. Which tips will you use?
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